Paul Magnuson
Teacher and Author
I attribute much of my innovation in teaching and learning to over 20 years of summer camp experience. Never underestimate the power of learning when unfettered from “regular” school! Years of experience in school improvement with US federal education programs, coupled with classroom teaching from elementary through graduate school (e.g. world languages, ESL, music, entrepreneurship, teaching licensure, applied linguistics, and leadership) have taught me perspective and depth … and humility.
Since 2008 I’ve held several roles at Leysin American School, including middle school and summer school leadership, accreditation systems, curriculum development, and professional development through action research. Since 2015 I’ve also taught online courses in administration, international education, multilingual learning, and teacher licensure with Endicott College (Massachusetts) and Moreland University (Washington DC).
I hold a PhD in Curriculum & Instruction from the University of Minnesota and a heck of a long streak learning languages with Duolingo.